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From fireworks to allergies, summertime stressors are here

By MWI Animal Health

Hurray, summer is here! But along with fun in the sun comes summertime stressors for pets.
Abstract fireworks image

Most of the summertime stressors that pets could experience can be reduced or eliminated with pet parent education. To support conversations with your clients about how to keep their pets safe and happy this summer, here is a list of summertime stressors and what precautions can be taken to help keep pets healthy all summer long.

Loud noises

Loud noises such as fireworks and thunderstorms can cause a pet to bolt. Keep pets away from fireworks. Not only are they too loud, but they can also cause burns, irritate or even poison them. It is best to keep a pet in a secure, quiet, escape proof area of the home. Offer calming products to lower their levels of anxiety.

Lost pets

Pet parents should be mindful of where their pet is at all times especially if they’re party or even just relaxing outside. Keep pets in safe, quiet, cool place to prevent unwanted escapes if they become scared or overly anxiously. Suggest micro chipping so the pet can be tracked down easily if they wander off or bolt.

Digestive problems

Remind clients that human treats are not necessarily good for pets and can cause serious injury and illness. Try to keep pets away from people food during outdoor gatherings like BBQs and picnics.

Heat stroke

Keep the pet hydrated and in a cool or shady (if outside) environment. Remind pet parents to never, never leave them in a car.

Sunburn/paw burn

Remind pet parents that they should avoid peak hours (10am-2pm) when the pavement and the sun is the hottest, apply pet sunscreen, and keep the pet hydrated and in a cool environment.

Allergic reactions to insect stings and bites

Advise clients to make sure pets are up-to-date on their preventatives. Clients should be aware of bites and stings, watch for increased swelling and itching, and bring in their pet for treatment before symptoms worsen and complications arise.

Snake bites

When out in the wilderness running, hiking, camping, or picnicking, pet parents should make sure to keep pets on the trail and not allow them to wander off where they could get into trouble with venomous creatures.


Clients should provide plenty of fresh water for their pet so they don’t drink the river, pond, ocean, or pool water. Suggest they use a flotation device, just in case, and rinse their pet down after a swim so that chlorine or salt doesn’t irritate their skin.

Pet parent stressors and three solutions that can help

While we hope that pets stay happy and healthy all summer long, any injury, allergic reaction, or illness creates anxiety for the pet parent. On top of that, it may mean a visit to the veterinarian which can be a hit to the wallet.

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Telehealth and remote monitoring

Think about providing a telehealth solution for your clients. For example, a family is camping with their dogs. One of the dogs injures their paw, but they are 50 miles from the nearest veterinarian. The family would be very grateful if they had the option to talk to you about the injury via video chat. You can advise them whether it is an emergency or if basic first aid would suffice.

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Hands-free payment plans for curbside service

To lower their anxiety and stress about having to decide if they can afford a visit, offer instant access to a simple payment plan solution that helps clients afford care for their pets whether it be a routine visit or an emergency. Your client will thank you and the pet will be able to continue to enjoy the summer!

Premier Pet Care Plan Logo

Preventative health care plans

Remember that making preventive care plans available to your clients can not only relieve some of the financial anxiety when it comes to providing care for pets but can help drive vaccine and parasiticide compliance and improve practice growth. Help your clients keep their pets at their best and improve more than just quality of care.